I subscribed to the family service. How do I link to 4windows, the android version on my phone

How do I link the 4 windows and android programs to my family subscription to get rid of the limitations? A license key was not provided and the account key doesn't work. Thanks.

1Password Version: 4Windows trial & Android 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 10 and Android 6.0.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:lost-license


  • guillaumeserton
    Community Member

    In your 1P software, if they are up to date, go into Settings > 1Password for Teams and add yours.

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    OK, that worked for the android on my phone. Thanks. I can not find any place to add teams on the 4 Windows program, There is a preferences button, but I could not find a settings button or any place to add teams.

  • guillaumeserton
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Family account is not yet supported on the Windows version 4. It's only supported with limited features on the Windows 10 version.

    As i see, you are on Windows 10, so you can find the Beta of 1password for Windows 10 in the Windows store.

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    That's not good news :'( Not all of our computers are Windows 10. Can I migrate the passwords I have added in version 4 to Win 10 or do I have to start over? Thanks.

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    I see that sync works OK between the android version and the windows 4 version. I have installed the Win 4 version on a couple of Win 10 machines and my wife's Win 7 machine as well as the Android version on my Samsung Galaxy Android phone. I had hoped that I was getting access to all platforms when I subscribed to the Family plan. I guess everything works but I will need to purchase an additional license after 30 days to eliminate the limitations on Win 4. That doesn't sound quite right but maybe that is the way it is.

  • The general answer as far as licensing goes is that 1Password for Families includes access to all of our compatible client apps. 1Password 4 for Windows is not compatible with 1Password for Families, and as such is not included. That said, if you can please drop us a link to this thread to support+sales@1password.com we'll be happy to take a look at what you've purchased and what your needs are and explain the options.

    As for importing your data from Windows to 1Password for Families please see this guide:

    (Windows) Migrate to a Family or Team account

    I hope that helps!


  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Thanks. I think I solved the problem. I cancelled the family subscription and purchased a windows 4 license. Between my wife and I (retired old folks) we have 3 laptops running windows 10 and one running windows 7. We have an iPhone and an Android phone. Since we are 95% windows and the Family plan does not support windows I think I was premature to sign up for it. This looks like a great product. If the support and sales folks thinks I should have done something different I would appreciate the input. Thanks

  • Hi @Raylock,

    Considering your reliance on Windows I think that is a reasonable choice for now. I do hope that you'll reconsider though when we have full support for Families on Windows. :)


  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Any guesstimates of the time frame for support of windows in Families? Months? Years?

  • More than weeks, less than years. Sorry I can't be more specific than that, unfortunately I don't have more details than that at this point.


  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Is there any way to populate the ID and password of an application such as Skype in either Win 4 or Win 10?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Raylock: Yep! You can use the Auto-Type feature in 1Password for Windows version 4 to create an application login for use in Skype (and many other applications):

    Creating an application login

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    I can not get the process described in the above link to work for me. After I set 1Password (Win 4) up for the app (Skype, iTunes and thinkorswim) I try to open the app from the drop down menu in Firefox. I see a quick message that Firefox has not permitted a redirection and then I get a FIOS (my provider) DNS advertising screen. I have searched Firefox to try to find a setting that would permit redirection, but have been unsuccessful. The detail in 1Password showsthe URL as TLoginForm. Obviously, I am doing something incorrectly. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Ray (Probably should have posted in Windows since I am no longer subscribed to the Family product but I wanted to reference the above link)

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Woops, guess I should have read the next part on using the application login. Not sure what happened to the second page of my print out. Ignore me for the monent :(

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Worked on the ITunes login but not on Skype. Holding the C+\ causes it to fill the first or first two or first 5 (it varies) characters then the error screen pops up. I sent the first one to you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    I can not get the process described in the above link to work for me. After I set 1Password (Win 4) up for the app (Skype, iTunes and thinkorswim) I try to open the app from the drop down menu in Firefox.

    @Raylock: Ah. If I understand correctly, this is your problem. You can't open other apps with the 1Password extension (unless they've registered a URL to allow this to happen). The 1Password browser extension can only be used to fill login credentials on webpages in the browser itself.

    I see a quick message that Firefox has not permitted a redirection and then I get a FIOS (my provider) DNS advertising screen. I have searched Firefox to try to find a setting that would permit redirection, but have been unsuccessful. The detail in 1Password showsthe URL as TLoginForm. Obviously, I am doing something incorrectly. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    (Probably should have posted in Windows since I am no longer subscribed to the Family product but I wanted to reference the above link)
    Worked on the ITunes login but not on Skype. Holding the C+\ causes it to fill the first or first two or first 5 (it varies) characters then the error screen pops up. I sent the first one to you.

    No problem! I've moved this discussion to the Windows category of the forum. From your description, it sounds like the only thing you're doing wrong is trying to open Skype in the browser, but I'll give you the rundown just to make sure we're not missing anything:

    1. Open Skype
    2. Open 1Password
    3. Click New Item
    4. Click Login
    5. Dismiss the dialog box (it will suggest saving the login in the browser, but that won't work for an app)
    6. Name your Skype login item
    7. Fill in your username and password
    8. Save the login
    9. Edit the login
    10. Control-click Add URL
    11. Select the Skype window from the list
    12. Save the changes
    13. Switch back to Skype
    14. Press Ctrl \ and let 1Password fill your credentials

    I hope this helps. Please let me know how it turns out! :)

  • Raylock
    Community Member

    Problem now is that 1Password won't fill the username or password completely (only partially). I have forwarded the error report and Nathan is working with me on it. Thanks

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    That might be because you have to turn on "Send Control + A" for the Skype item. We'll follow up via email.

    ref: VMX-64462-743

This discussion has been closed.