when entering credit cards, I can't figure out how to display the VCC code, even though I enter it

When I entered a credit card into the app, so that my credit card info is always handy, there is a space to enter "verification code." When looking at the credit card, however, the VCC number is not displ


  • Hi @sternzoo,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    While not all credit cards are identical, most of them usually carry a three of four digit verification code on it. Sometimes it's called VCC, sometimes CCV, sometimes something else entirely.

    Please have a look at the picture on this page to get a sense of what is meant by it.

    I hope this helps!

  • sternzoo
    Community Member

    this is not helpful. I know what a VCC code is. I entered mine into 1Password but it does not show me the code when I look at that entry in 1Password.

  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

    Are you saying that 1Password isn't displaying the VCC at all or that it's hidden like in this screenshot: http://d.pr/i/1dATJ
    If the code is simply hidden, you can reveal it using the small lock icon on the right hand side of the window in the same row as the VCC.

    If you don't see the entry in the 1Password browser extensions, then maybe the checkbox to show the item in the extension isn't checked. To change that, simply edit the credit card item and look for the checkbox next to 'Display in web browser'.

    I hope this fixes it for you.

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