If i do not have my iphone with me and i am not allowed to install 1password in the computer.

For exemple i am trying to enter in my facebook but i do not have my iphone with me and in the computer i'm trying to log on i can only acess the internet not istall anything like in a internet café. What should I to in order to log on in my account? The only way is to reset my password?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @verder323,

    Thanks for writing in with your question.

    There are ways to access your logins on a PC/Mac that you can't install 1Password on, like the web interface of 1Password for Families.

    The bigger issue however, is the fact that you should never enter your Facebook password, master password for 1Password, nor any other sensitive data on a PC that you can't control and that you can't be sure isn't infected with malware like keyloggers other other tools that try to steal your data. PCs in internet cafés are notorious for being insecure.

    If this is a company PC that you can be fairly sure is safe and not being monitored by the IT department, it's a different matter. There, the aforementioned web application that 1Password for Families offers, can be a good fit.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know f we can do anything else for you.


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