1Password on Windows - Mac is better

I have recently started using the Windows version of 1password which seems to me to be quite inferior to the Mac version.

Firstly, unlike the Mac version, it is impossible to access the details of your password etc. without opening the main program. Is this right or am I overlooking something? Why is there this difference?

Secondly, and this may be something I have got wrong in the settings, whenever I simply try to insert a password or my personal details into a website the extension insists on opening the main program and simply dumping me into the particular item without helping by inserting the details. This has only recently started happening. Perhaps something is wrong with the latest version.


  • Hi @jadw137,

    Thanks for telling us about your experience with 1Password for Windows.

    The version of 1Password that you're using is built on a very old code base and while it is properly maintained and on par with the Mac version in almost everything, the user interface is starting to show its age on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
    That's why we're working hard on a new generation of 1Password apps for Windows.

    With that being said: You can quickly see the details of an item in the 1Password browser extensions.
    Hover over the item in the list and right-click it. You'll see an arrow appear next to the item title and hovering over that item again, will allow you see the item details.

    We realise that this is not straightforward or easily discoverable but we had to work within the bounds of the windowing system for the browser extensions.

    The second issue you're describing sounds odd to me. You're on a website that you have a login item saved for. What happens when you click the login item in the browser extension or use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+) to fill the information?


  • jadw137
    Community Member

    Thanks Alex. As you say, this is unlikely to be discovered by accident that I have found it now although it doesn't seem to enable me to see or copy the password which is my normal problem. I have to say that the programme is generally quite flaky on Windows with about a 50% success rate compared with a much higher success rate in Mac. I'm glad to hear that you are working on a new version. The sooner the better!

    I think my explanation of the second issue was wrong. It only arises when I'm trying to insert my personal details into a form online either as an address or my credit card details. What happens is that when I click on the particular identity or credit card does not complete the form but instead asks for my password to open the main program. It then opens the main program at the particular identity or credit card but that doesn't help me, of course.

  • That's a rather low success rate for 1Password for Windows, @jadw137. I'm sorry to hear that.

    Copying your pasdword from the details is as easy as clicking on it. The reason you're not seeing the passwords is because this is governed globally by the view settings in the main 1Password application.

    As for the identity issue, are you using Internet Explorer by any chance?

  • jadw137
    Community Member

    Thanks Alex. Thanks also for explaining how to copy the password.

    For various reasons I was using Internet Explorer when I was encountering these problems. I have now reverted to Chrome so perhaps the problem will go away.

    May I ask you one other question? When I use the app to insert personal details or credit card details I sometimes find that the wrong box has been completed or one of the boxes is not being completed at all. I imagine that some of this has to do with the particular site being not properly coded but do you have a helpful article that you can refer me to explaining the position?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jadw137: Indeed. Chrome is much less finicky than Internet Explorer, and unlike Internet Explorer Chrome is still being improved.

    May I ask you one other question? When I use the app to insert personal details or credit card details I sometimes find that the wrong box has been completed or one of the boxes is not being completed at all. I imagine that some of this has to do with the particular site being not properly coded but do you have a helpful article that you can refer me to explaining the position?

    If you're looking for information on how a website owner can make their site easier to use — both for 1Password and accessibility — check out our designing compatible websites guide.

    But if you do run into a filling issue with a particular site, be sure to report it to us using our Synapse website issue tracker so we can continue to improve 1Password for you and everyone else. Cheers! :)

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