1Password on Windows on Wine on Ubuntu

Community Member
edited July 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows


I've found somewhat related topics, but I can't seem to get this resolved.

I have 1Password on my MAC/Android/iPad and it works great. However, I have a Ubuntu 14.04 for my work desktop, Chrome is my browser. I've followed the various hacks for getting 1P installed via Wine, but I continue to get the pop-up error:
"Chrome is connected but it's code signature could not be verified"

Additionally, I seem to have to always manually start the Agile1pAgent each time to even get this part to work.

What are my options? As much as I love what 1P offers me, not having it across all my platforms is a bit of a nuisance.

Is there a linux version on the horizon?

Thanks in advance,

AgileBits Update, 6-Jul-2017:

Hello everyone! We've started beta testing a new addition to our 1Password family: a brand new Chrome extension made especially for our Linux and Chrome OS users! To learn about how you can be invited to this private beta testing, please see this announcement:

A Present for Chrome OS and Linux Users

Cheers! :smile:

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Ubuntu 14.04
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • neilobrien
    Community Member

    looks like I was reading the wrong articles :-)

    Problems appear to be solved, thanks.

  • Well that was easy, @neilobrien :)

    Thanks for letting us know that you found the solution already.

    We'll be standing by if you have any other questions.

    Just in case others are having questions about running 1Password in WINE under Linux, check out the handy 'Running 1Password for Windows on Linux systems' article in our knowledge base.

  • JoeLinux
    Community Member

    That article is useful, and I have 1Password running successfully on Ubuntu 16.04... but I can't find anywhere how to restore a license. I have the XML file, and I tried copying the UUID (and even the signature) into the license key prompt, but nothing works. I even tried executing the license key like so:

    "wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/1Password\ 4/1Password.exe XXX.onepassword-license"

    I tried the relative path to the license file, and I also tried an absolute path (through the Wine symbolic drive) to no avail. The app opens, but it doesn't actually affect it at all with regard to the license.

  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @JoeLinux,

    That's the signed license file used for the Mac versions of 1Password only. On Windows (and on Linux via WINE), we only provide a textual license key that you can enter via the Help Menu > Enter License key.

    If you've registered 1Password already via Windows on a PC, you can copy over the OPW4.license file from the %APPDATA%\AgileBits directory.

  • JoeLinux
    Community Member

    I haven't. I've only licensed the software on Macs (nobody in the company uses Windows).

  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @JoeLinux,

    I don't see the license via your forum profile, could you email us at support+licenses@agilebits.com with the link to this thread included along with your forum username. We'll help you with the license file you need.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

This discussion has been closed.