Sort Order is Backwards/Wrong on Passwords - Numeric should list above Alphabetic, right?

Sort Order is Backwards/Wrong on Passwords - Numeric should list above Alphabetic, right? (in Firefox Browser Extension, Desktop, and Mobile App)
I purposely put a numeric character in front of all the ones I use daily, BUT THEY APPEAR AT THE BOTTOM!
Please correct or correct me.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: Win 10 Pro and Win 7
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:Sort Order is Backwards/Wrong on Passwords - Numeric should list above Alphabetic, right? (in Browser Plugin, Desktop, and Mobile App)


  • bluezango
    Community Member

    Correction: Problem only with a) Mobile App - Android and b) Windows Browser Extension for Firefox (Win 10 and Win 7) fill in for site that has multiple logins (bank accounts and investments). Special Characters too.
    List of Logins in PC App OK sort order, List of Logins in Browser OK sort order.

  • Hi @bluezango,

    Thanks for writing in.
    Please forgive me but I'm not entirely sure I understand all of your issues.

    In general we try to sort by letters then numbers because OS X and iOS do this by default.
    In 1Password 4 for Windows, numbers will be sorted before letters and that extends to the 1Password Firefox extension, too.

    I hope that clears things up.

    Can you please explain in more detail the kind of issue you're having with the banking site that has multiple logins?


  • bluezango
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Example: TDAmeritrade I have 7 accounts, and 7 logins. The login for the primary account is the one I wish to use daily, so I put a "1" or "!" in front, so it is first. In Browser extension login assistance, this login should be first, it is not. In Android app, a list of all logins, this should be first, but is not. (a list of logins in PC app it correct, a list of logins in browser extension is correct).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bluezango: Ah, thanks for the illustration. Be sure to check the actual URLs you have saved for these logins. 1Password will prioritize (and thus put at the top of the list) those that are an exact match for the current URL.

    For example, if I have multiple Google logins but some are for and others are (or something else), when I'm at I'll be offered logins matching that first, even if the logins are alphabetically superior.

    The Android example doesn't apply, since the app doesn't have a browser extension. When you view your entire vault there (just as in the main 1Password app), there is no context like a "current website URL" to match against. They'll be sorted from A to Z. I hope this helps! :)

  • bluezango
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty: Nope, that does not help.
    A) Windows Browser extentions -the logins are for the same site, and I expect/wish to have numeric or special first.
    B) Android list of logins in vault, I expect/wish to have numeric or special first.

  • Hi @bluezango,

    I've deleted your screenshots as it looks like it contains some sensitive data at the end of your titles. However, your screenshot doesn't show the first numeric character, it shows all starting with TD except for the first one that starts with i.

    The browser extensions on Windows does sort by numeric and symbols first but it sorts by the first character of the titles. Here's what I mean:

    Edit your titles to insert the symbols and numeric at the beginning and you'll then see the sorting work.

  • bluezango
    Community Member

    Hi Mike - Wouldn't a phone call be more efficient?

    Regarding the TD Ameritrade stuff in browser. It did indeed have 9 entries for the website, one did have a number in the start of the title, but is listed fourth. FACT: It actually is not sorting at all by title. New picture attached. The were:
    1 TDAm
    On the Android Phone - I cannot seem to take a screenshot. Says "Unable to capture screen. DRM protected Image.
    It is listing them by Title: Alpha 1st, special 2nd, number 3rd (backwards).
    !! American Express
    !! Capital One
    !! Discover
    1 TDAmertrade

    I want a way for the ones I use all the time to be consistently at the top in all interfaces please.

  • Hi @bluezango,

    I can't reproduce what you're seeing. Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • bluezango
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    [Edited by MikeT: Removed personal data]]

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Bluezango,

    Please do not share any personal information on this public support forum, this is open to everyone. I've edited your post to remove your phone number.

    We are still going to ask you to send in your diagnostics report, we cannot see the problem over the phone and that's why we do not do phone calls. Please email the report and we'll see what's going on.


  • bluezango
    Community Member

    Ok, lets reduce these issues to just one. The two issues were:
    a) Poor/No Sort Order for multiple logins via Windows Firefox Browser Extension.
    b) Reverse Sort Order for all logins listed in Android App.

    Lets just go with:
    Reverse Sort Order for all logins listed in Android App. Need Special and Numeric First please.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Ok, lets reduce these issues to just one. The two issues were:
    a) Poor/No Sort Order for multiple logins via Windows Firefox Browser Extension.
    b) Reverse Sort Order for all logins listed in Android App.
    Lets just go with: Reverse Sort Order for all logins listed in Android App. Need Special and Numeric First please.

    @bluezango: 1Password matches logins based on their URL first, regardless of the name. It also sorts with numbers and symbols at the bottom to be consistent with other platforms. So while I don't think that's something we'll change, we may consider offering an option for that in the future. Thanks for letting us know your preference!

  • bluezango
    Community Member

    Yes please. Without that, there is no way to make the ones I use everyday appear at the top consistently.
    If I use the numeral or special character, they are at the top in Windows PC App. (1-xxx ! xxx)
    If I use the letter "a" method, they will appear at the top in Android Phone. (A-xxx a xxx)

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @bluezango,

    This will change in the next major version of the Windows program as we'll use alphabetical first and then the numeric/symbols to align with all 1Password apps.

    We'll make sure the extensions does the same.

This discussion has been closed.