How do I save Password Criteria in a saved login? [Not available but something we consider]

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Some services require you to change you password annoyingly often, like every 3 months for example. Unfortunately, there is currently no easy way to very quickly generate a new password for an already saved login that meets the required criteria. (Whenever you generate a new password, the most recently generated password's settings are recalled) Also, there is no way to extract the criteria used for a previously used password.

In other words, I may have 5 previous passwords, but I don't know how long they are (without counting each little black dot, come on...), or how many digits/symbols were used. So I have to figure that out each time I create a new one.

Storing these criterion within the login would be extremely helpful.


1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.0.10586
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:store password criteria with login


  • Hi Marcus,

    Thanks for writing in.

    The issue you're describing is nothing new and it's also not easy to implement.
    We're aware of the potential benefits and downsides of a feature like this and are considering it.

    I've forwarded your feature request to our developers.

    Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.

  • Mag748
    Community Member

    Dear AlexHoffmann,

    Thanks for the response and for passing the request along.

  • My pleasure!

This discussion has been closed.