We have multiple accounts sharing the same password. Is there a way to change them all at once?

Is there a way to group and change all accounts sharing the same password at once? We have a shared password that is changed about every 6months or less.

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Referrer: forum-search:We have multiple accounts sharing the same password. Is there a way to change them all at once?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Grimlock929: If you really mean "accounts", then no. Each separate account will have login credentials that are completely independent, and they'll have different password change processes too. There just isn't any way for 1Password to automatically manage that for you.

    However, if you're talking about multiple login items for a single account, then you may only need to change the password on the account once, and then update the appropriate items in 1Password.

    For example, my Google Account is used to login many places: Gmail, Android, and other places that integrate with Google. So I really only need to change my password with Google.

    For most of my Google Accounts, I have only a single login item saved in 1Password (sometimes with multiple URLs for the various places I use it), so there's only one to update. But for those where I've saved separate login items for different website login portals, they will all need to be updated with the new password when it's changed on the account.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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