Upgrading to latest windows ver. Getting" error creating log file" [Caused by McAfee]

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

current version
windows 7 enterprise
using Dropbox for 1Password files.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 7 enterprise
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:upgrade error


  • Hi @agjoubert,

    Is there an anti-malware solution installed on your PC that might prevent 1Password from running its installer from the temporary folder? Could you try to disable it temporarily and then install 1Password again, does it work?

    Can you tell us which solution this is, it sounds it may be McAfee? If it is McAfee, look for Prevent all programs from running files from the Temp folder setting and turn it off before you install 1Password and then turn it back on after 1Password is installed. You'll have to do this each time 1Password has an update.

  • agjoubert
    Community Member

    Correct - new version of Enterprise McAfee has these Host and Network IPS settings. I had to turn them off, otherwise the update is seen as an intrusion and blocked.
    Thanks for the advice - got the update to run.

  • That's great to hear, thanks for letting us know.

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