Run 1Password on MAC and iOS. Do I need to purchase separate copy for Windows PC?

above is selp-explanatory. thanks

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Run 1Password MAC and mobile iOS. Do I have to buy separate Windows version?


  • Hi @ewrayjr,

    You need a separate license key, yes but you do get a discount as an existing 1Password customer. Can you forward us your receipts from the iTunes team at and we'll see what we can do for you.

  • ewrayjr
    Community Member

    Glad to do that if only I knew how. Unfortunately, I don't. Don't want to run you crazy. Will just purchase separate license. Hope I can successfully copy list of existing passwords from MAC to Windows. Did some reading on your site about that.

  • Thadili
    Community Member

    Do I still have to? Because now Windows and OSX License are sold as one package.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi guys,


    Glad to do that if only I knew how.

    Please email us with the link to this thread and your forum username included, we'll explain what you can do to provide as proof of purchases. We don't want you to buy it at the full price and don't worry about driving us crazy, we're always happy to help and we will here.


    Because now Windows and OSX License are sold as one package.

    Only for new customers buying the desktop license at our web store, the issue is made more complicated for App Store customers because that's handled by Apple only and we can't include a Windows license in there. So, to get the Windows license, you would have to show us proof of purchase of the Mac App Store version of 1Password and we'll then send you details on how to get the Windows license.

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