download for windows?

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hi, I have a licence for mac and I have purchased a surface pro. I cannot seem to find a simple download of 1password, all I can find is subscription models.

To be honest I am getting a bit sick of subscription models the costs are seriously mounting up. I am hoping there is a simple installer for pc where I pay a fair 'upgrade' price baring in mind I already bought it for mac?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @garethsnaim,

    You can find all of our downloads including old versions of 1Password from here:

    If you own a Mac license key, you can enter it in the upgrade store here to get the Windows half of our desktop license that includes both Mac/Windows.

  • garethsnaim
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Hi, I purchased from mac app store so how do I prove purchase?

    I do like the product but the price is starting to look mighty steep guys. Enpass is basically 6 quid. What does 1password offer over enpass?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, I purchased from mac app store so how do I prove purchase?

    @garethsnaim: If you purchased from the App Store, you won't have a license at all; rather, the purchase is tied to your Apple ID. But just shoot us an email at with a copy of your Mac App Store receipt, we can generate a license for you.

    I do like the product but the price is starting to look mighty steep guys. Enpass is basically 6 quid. What does 1password offer over enpass?

    Ultimately it depends on what you value. You probably already know this if you've been using it, but the Password for Mac and Windows desktop apps have browser extensions for saving and filling logins, identities, and credit cards. It stores all of this information securely on your device, and you can sync it to others if you wish. You may have also noticed that we're constantly releasing updates with improvements for both the main app and the extensions. But really anybody can do those things. I think that what really sets 1Password apart is its longevity and proven track record, since I've personally bought a lot of software that's no longer supported, no matter how much money I'd be willing to throw at it.

    AgileBits is an independent Canadian company, so when you buy 1Password, you know what you're getting and who you're getting it from. We're not corporate, nor are we backed by venture capital. We're here to make 1Password the best it can be, and that's how we earn a living — doing what we love. All AgileBits customers, regardless of platform, license, or subscription, are the beneficiaries of this (which is rare these days), and get personal support from real people like Mike and me.

    So, thanks for supporting independent software. We've been around for nearly a decade, and we're committed to being around another 10 years (and beyond) so we can continue to give you and the rest of our awesome customers more than just bits. :chuffed:

  • garethsnaim
    Community Member

    OK I sent you an email there.

    Boy there is a lot of you guys, I sort of thought you were like a guy in a room lol. I am happy to support good software, it would be nice to know what the upgrade price will be, basically I just want to see my passwords on this surface tablet thing I have bought.

    I am having some regrets purchasing it, its as buggy as a really buggy arse that has bugs in it. To be fair enpass is really buggy as well, I really hope 1password for tablet style pc is not buggy, telly me it aint so please!

  • Hi @garethsnaim,

    I really hope 1password for tablet style pc is not buggy, telly me it aint so please!

    Right now, 1Password for Windows is a regular desktop program, there's no separate mode for tablet type of use. Most programs aren't either, the best optimized apps are the one that are built specifically for the tablets such as the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps.

    We're working on a new UWP version of 1Password app that'll work better on a Surface or tablets but we don't have a timeframe on the first release. There's a beta version available in the Windows Store if you're using Windows 10. Note this is still a rough beta as it is basically a brand new app for us.

  • garethsnaim
    Community Member

    i saw the beta but when i ran it, it wants strange details such as urls?

  • Hi @garethsnaim,

    That's for signing into your 1Password account at our 1Password Families or 1Password Teams services.

    On the bottom, you can click on Already have 1Password data elsewhere? to select the option to open from a local folder or sync via Dropbox instead.

    You can find out more here:

  • OldDawg
    Community Member

    I tried upgrading my licence to include my Win 7 64 Bit PC by using the above link from MikeT on April 7.

    My 1Password 5 for Mac licence says "I can use it on as many computers as needed". But this licence key will not work on my PC.

    When I enter my licence key into the upgrade link from MikeT, the response is that I only have a 1Password 3 licence, with only one choice for upgrade.

    But I paid for a 1Password 5 licence on 25 April 2015....... should this not give me more than the one choice that 1Password 3 offers ?

    Will someone please advise me what to do from here ?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @OldDawg: I don't see any licenses under this address, so I can't say for certain one way or the other. The best thing to do would be to email us a copy of your 1Password for Mac receipt at and we'll get it sorted out for you. :)

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