Help Signing In to my 1 Password Account

I believe I signed up for 1password several months ago as I wrote down a master password. I don't have an app on my phone or ipad so I guess I must have signed up on my PC. I am ready to start using the service now. When I went to sign in on my PC I was asked for a "Domain". After I typed my name in it asked for an email, account key and password. I have no record of a Domain or Account Key. At this point I'm not sure if I have an account. How do I find out and where do I find my Domain and Account Key?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:faq


  • Hi @macdaddy1963,

    Please email us at with any details you can recall, which domain you may have signed up under and any email addresses you may have signed up under. We'll see if we can find it for you.

    You can always sign up with a new plan and use that.

    Just so you're aware, we don't have a stable version of 1Password app for 1Password Families/Teams services on Windows yet. We do have a beta app available for Windows 10 that will use 1Password Families/Teams but it won't support browser extensions for now.

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