Different WebSite?

I had the chance to visit your website by clicking on the menu item in the Windows Ver 4.....1Password. Of course in Windows 10 the system opened Edge. MS new and improved(?) browser. WOW, that Agilebits website looks nothing like the Mac or IE 11 website. So you guy have multiple sites depending on the browser? Yes, I run Mac under El Capitan and a Windows 10 machine.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Steve_H,

    No, we don't have different sites for different browsers. It may render differently in each browser but that's due to the browser, not all browsers render the same way. If the browser doesn't support some features, we may add additional rules in the same site's files to render better or differently.

    However, before we go further, can you tell us which Help Menu you selected and which URL opened in Edge?

    I checked between IE and Edge, 1Password opens the same site and they're all identical to me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Help, 1 Password Home Page.

    I normally don't do any fancy in Windows, just need it for some stuff I am doing for a friend. I did try to get a screen shot and attach it here.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Steve_H,

    That's the new Features page on 1Password.com, it's the same page for all 1Password apps, we recently released it a few weeks ago.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    So, if I go to https://agilebits.com on my Mac or IE 11, why does it still show the "old" page?

  • Hi @Steve_H,

    1Password.com is the home page for 1Password apps, AgileBits.com is the home page of the AgileBits company that will show you all of the products we make. If you click on 1Password on the home page of the https://agilebits.com, you'll be taken to the same page on 1Password.com.

    In the 1Password apps, it will take you directly to the 1Password.com site, not agilebits.com. You can see the same page by opening IE and going to 1Password.com instead.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Thanks, I don't think I would have ever figured that out by myself. :-)

  • You're welcome! :pirate:

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