1PW for Teams + Windows 10 Beta App + Chrome Browser Ext - Help?

Hi, I am using 1Password for Teams. I also downloaded the Windows 10 App as I was told I'd need that. I'm in Chrome, and I installed the browser extension. It appears that the Chrome extension will not talk to 1Password for Teams? When I click the extension, it wants me to tell it "I'm new" or "I'm not new" (in which case it wants to find the vaults), or "restore" - and those are my only choices. I do not have the option of connecting it to a team nor, it appears, to my Win10 App. What magical thing am I missing here? I don't know what to do, and not being able to use the browser extension seems like I'm not getting much out of 1Password. I'm grateful for any assistance - thank you.

1Password Version: Teams
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: i don't know
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate, kb-search:1browser, kb:browser-extension, kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb-search:teams extension


  • Hi @MJatGenoo,

    I apologize for the confusion but the 1Password Beta for Windows 10 app does not support browser extensions at the moment, it is something we're working on but we don't have a timeframe on this.

    The regular desktop program does support browser extensions but it doesn't support the 1Password Teams/Families services. We're also working on a new version of the program to support this.

    At the moment, 1Password Families/Teams is not fully ready to be used on Windows.

    If you only need 1Password on your PCs and you'd like to use it in Chrome, your best option is to use the standalone 1Password product without using the 1Password Teams/Families service. To sync, you can use Dropbox.

  • MJatGenoo
    Community Member

    I am crushed. I work with a dynamic team - and need to be in 1Password for Teams to be effective, so using the standalone is not a good option for me. I hope you'll be giving the Windows side of the world some additional love before long! Thanks for the response.

  • Hi @MJatGenoo,

    We're sorry about that, we're working around the clock to get Windows the first class product it so deserves.

    Right now, you can still copy and paste between the beta app and the Chrome browser or use 1Browser for limited filling support. In the Logins section, if you click on a Login item, there's a Browse button on the bottom right that will open up 1Browser and fill your data in for now.

  • MJatGenoo
    Community Member

    Mike, that works. Didn't realize that was there - thank you. I shall muddle through until I get great news from you or Henry, keeper of the words. ~Margaret

  • You're welcome!

    We're working on our guide for the Windows 10 app, so we can share all the things you can do with it.

This discussion has been closed.