Icons not picked up by entries

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

This is not a big deal, just visually annoying. When I create a new entry the programme automatically picks up the relevant icon from the web, no problem. But it only shows it in the item list, not on the title bar of the individual entry. The only way I can find to ensure it appears on both is to download the icon manually and use the Select Icon option. Then it appears in both places.

1Password Version:_4.6.0.604
_Extension Version:
Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Reged,

    Are you creating it manually in the program or saving from the browser extension?

    If you're doing it manually, can you try terminating the program and reopen it, does it then show you the icon in the item list?

  • Reged
    Community Member

    Hi @mikethibo@me.com

    Thanks for your response. Yes, I am creating the entries in the program, not the browser. I have terminated the program and restarted Windows but it is the same. The icon shows up in the item list but NOT on the title bar of the individual entry itself. That displays the generic login icon.

  • Reged
    Community Member

    Just to make sure we're singing from the same hymn sheet, this is what I mean ...

  • Hi @Reged,

    Thanks for the screenshot, that makes more sense. We don't have a rich icon for the site. 1Password on Windows has a fallback to get the favicon and this icon is too small to fit in the details view that requires a bigger icon size that is only available via Rich Icons.

  • Reged
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Okay, thanks for that. I understand. Manual it is for me. :-)

  • We will redesign this in a new version of 1Password, so it looks better.

This discussion has been closed.