Manually add one or more tab characters between username and password.

I log onto a number of sites which require one or more tab characters to be sent to move from the username field to the password field. I have created my entire 1Password database manually and am just now starting to use the browser extension; so up to now I have been able to work around the situation by sending username and password separately from the 1Password main program.

If I could add tabs to move to the correct field to enter the password I could use autotype from the browser. Is there a way to do this?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 1511
Sync Type: Local


  • RobL
    Community Member

    Should have done this before I posted this question; turns out when I uncheck "use auto-type in web browser" I can log on to the sites I was having problems with. My immediate issue is solved; but I would still like to know if it is possible to add tab characters on those sites which only work with auto-type.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RobL: I think there's probably an easier way. First and foremost, the sites that require Auto-Type are definitely in the minority. That's something that's more useful for other non-browser logins.

    First and foremost, instead of creating logins by hand, try manually saving a new login for the site. That will allow 1Password to save additional information from the form. Just follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the website
    2. Enter your login credentials
    3. Click the 'keyhole' icon to bring up the extension
    4. Click the 'gear' icon for Settings
    5. Click Save New Login
    6. Give it a name and Save
    7. Close the webpage and select your new login from the extension to have 1Password Go & Fill
    8. Submit the form manually if you have autosumbit disabled

    Next, if you're still having trouble with specific websites, be sure to let us know the URL and where you're running into trouble so we can try to help. Please let me know how it turns out! :)

  • RobL
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response Brent. I already have all my logins entered, but now that I am using the extension I will give your suggestion a try. Don't know why I didn't try the extension earlier, it certainly does work well.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RobL: Honestly I didn't use the extension at first either, as odd as that may seem to me now. Since I was coming from a purely manual method of password management, it was simply what I was used to. I didn't realize that there was a better way!

    Depending on how you were doing things previously, it may be difficult at first to get used to doing things a different way, no matter how much better it may be in the long run. I'd say start with one you use frequently just to get familiar with how it saving and filling works, and then go from there. We're here for you if you have any questions at all! :)

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