how do I remove duplicate entries for the same site?

I've just signed up for a trial and have imported my data from another password manager application. I have given up on them and am hoping that 1Password will be a lot easier to drive and manage.

The import has quite a few duplicate sites and I want to cull these. Is there a way I can easily find them and cull them, or do I need to throw everything away, manually cleanse it in the CSV and start from scratch??


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:windows/preferences-logins, kb-search:duplicates, kb:remove-duplicate-passwords


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greig: There isn't any way for 1Password to do this for you automatically, I'm afraid. If they were true duplicates, only one copy would have been imported, so it sounds like you're dealing with a lot of similar logins. The easiest way would be to use the search feature to get a list of items with similar titles or URLs and then decide which ones need to be kept and toss the rest.

    It's going to be difficult to go into more detail without specifics, but if you're dealing with login credentials that are identical, with only the URLs being different (,, etc.), it may be possible to consolidate. For example, you can store multiple URLs per login item, and then use the same one in different places. If there's a common one you can share, I may be able to offer better suggestions too. :)

  • Hi @Greig,

    For items with the same password, you can go to the View Menu in 1Password to select Duplicate Passwords and it'll show up on the sidebar. Select it and it'll show you all items with the same passwords, this may help a bit.

    By the way, when you imported the database into 1Password, did you get the second prompt asking if you want to overwrite items with identical titles?

  • Greig
    Community Member

    Thanks guys. Nope, didnt get the "overwrite items" prompt, but it seems the dupes are all IDENTICAL - save for the "(2)" appended to the end of the otherwise identical titles [stupid LP]. I think i just need to attack them in the duplicate passwords section and cull every second one (after of course double-checking).

    So far, loving the speed and navigation/management of the PC app. It's FAR superior to having to try to do it all down that thin piece of wet string we in Australia are told is the Internet.

    (Oh, and to be able to save the additional URLs into each entry itself almost has me in tears of joy).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greig: I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying 1Password, and the Multiple URLs feature in particular (to put it mildly).

    But just to clarify to avoid any tears of sorrow, you should be aware that this is a setting in 1Password Preference > Logins. The reason for this is that while enabling the setting allows 1Password to search all URLs (not just the first one), there is a performance penalty for this (since 1Password has to decrypt additional data to search more URLs). So just keep that in mind and see which works best for you. Cheers! :)

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