Sync on Mac only trigger by reunlocking the App

Community Member


I have switch to the new OPVault-Format - works fine but changes on the iPhone/iPad via Dropbox are not trigger a sync in the Mac-Version. I can see the changed file in the sync-message of the DropBox-Client but in the 1Password-App (from Store) no changes was make. A look in preferences/sync show now update of the "last sync time". But if I lock and unlock 1Password the sync starts immediately and I can see the changes I have done on iPhone or iPad. If I do any changes in the Mac-App the iOS-Apps sync and show the changes immediately.
What can I do to get the Mac-App the changes immediately too?

Thanks, Alex

1Password Version: 6.2 (620011)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.11.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @AleksCee,

    When you say Store do you mean our AgileBits Store or the Mac App Store? I think this might be pertinent.

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    Hello @littlebobbytables ,
    sorry, for this confusion I mean the Apple App Store.
    Thanks, Alex

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    Hello @AleksCee,

    Thank you :smile: I think we have a regression and that affirms it for me given we're both seeing the same thing. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    ref: OPM-3992

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables , today I watch the same issue by syncing my iPad and ma iPhone... the changes from my iPad are only sync if I lock or kill the app an start it again. if I only start syncing in the running app the changes are not synced. is the the same issue and you have attention on the iOS app too?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @AleksCee,

    I don't expect that these issues are related even if they seem similar. The bug we previously identified is, I believe, a regression and only present in the Mac App Store version. When it comes to syncing the Mac and iOS versions are very different.

    Can I ask, when you say

    if I only start syncing in the running app the changes are not synced

    do you mean you are tapping the Sync Now button that is in the Vaults section of the Settings or do you mean something else? Obviously what should be happening is the changes are synced automatically without you having to do anything but this doesn't seem to be the case for you. Can I ask, when you set up Dropbox sync in 1Password for iOS did you do it with the iOS Dropbox app installed or did you use our built-in page? I don't know if it should make any difference at all, I'm just trying to understand why changes sync for me but they aren't for you.

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    hello @littlebobbytables ,

    manual sync means the sync now button in settings/sync/Dropbox/sync now
    yes, you are right, sync starts automatic but the changes do not come to the other device so I have tried to sync manually.
    the Dropbox sync is configured by using the Dropbox app for authorization, and the initial items were loaded completely. the first changes on the day I have made this issue the sync between iPad/iPhone works fine, only the Mac has the described behavior. but today the sync between ipad/phone didn't transfer by the sync until I killed and restared both apps.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @AleksCee: 1Password will naturally check for changes when it's first launched (since there may be some that happened while it wasn't running), but ultimately Dropbox should be pushing changes to 1Password (or any other app) if it's running at the time. It may be a network or Dropbox issue, so you may want to investigate what the cause may be. We definitely don't want (or, well, me or anyone else who values battery life) 1Password checking repeatedly for changes, so we depend on notifications of updates coming through in a timely fashion.

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    @brenty I'm with you about the battery life. Today I have tried it again. When the Apps of iPad and iPhone are newly started and I change a password on the iPhone I can see the change after 20sec or so on the iPad. But if both Apps are brought to the front from the background (and are not started new) and I then change something on the iPhone I can see under settings > sync >dropbox that a synchronization happens and can see on the iPad that synchnonization is triggered but the change is not visilble on the iPad.
    Even though I started synchronization manually - no change occurs.
    Last sync time is < 3 sec. ago.
    In case I start both Apps new, synchnonization works fine.
    I personally conclude that the problem is neither Dropbox nor the network because synchronization is triggered in 1password but changes do not occur. Furthermore the described behavior can be reproduced in various cases if the App was long enough in the background.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    I can't seem to reproduce this in my testing, but we would love to get this resolved. Can you let us know the exact version of 1Password you are running on your iPhone and iPad?

    Here is what I tried:

    1. Open 1Password on both iPhone and iPad.
    2. Go to the home screen on both iPhone and iPad, so 1Password is now in the background.
    3. Switch back to 1Password on the iPad, and change a password.
    4. Switch back to 1Password on the iPhone, and the password appears without having to manually initiate syncing.

    Are those the right steps?

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    both have version 6.3.1 (631001)
    I have done your tasks.
    change on iPad, open on iPhone: OK
    go on home screen on iPad again, change on iPhone the same item (look the sync stat was ready without manual sync), reopen iPad: not ok

    kill app on iPhone, start again, iPad changes/refresh immediately by watching the item.

    looks like the iPhone did not push the changes by the sync, because I can the that the iPhone is syncing... because of the sync status.

  • AleksCee
    Community Member

    add On:
    after the iPhone kill and start its seams to work fin for now. perhaps the issue happened after some time (some days) running in background?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AleksCee,

    Well, I’m glad to hear that it seems to be working fine for now, but please do let us know if you notice this again. We can request a Diagnostics Report from your devices to see if it gives us any clues about where things are getting tangled up. :)

This discussion has been closed.