export data from teams to 1password classic?

How can I export from teams in a format that 1Password classic will import?
Unfortunately my company dictates Windows 7 so I cannot use Teams.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: NA
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate


  • LauraR
    edited April 2016

    Hi @SkipDobrin - A complete solution for 1Password for Teams on Windows is being worked on. We offer 1Password Beta for Windows 10 though this version doesn’t include browser extensions. It does have its own browser and you can use Go and Fill to open your website in this browser. If you don’t have Windows 10 then you can access your Family vault through the Chrome or Firefox browser, and this also allows the editing of 1Password items.

    For help exporting your data from Teams to the standard solution, can you let me know on which device you currently have your Team vault. Thanks!

  • festus777
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    I face the same problem as SkipDobrin. Until either my government employer goes to Windows 10 or 1password for Families becomes available on Windows 7, 1Password for Windows is useless. Yes, I can use the web version, but it just ain't even close to the same :( Can you please help exporting from 1Password with my Mac or my iPhone - both of which have my Family vaults.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @festus777: This is easiest using 1Password for Mac: simply select the items in the 1Password Families vault, right-click, Share > Move to the local vault you want to switch to. I hope this helps! :)

  • festus777
    Community Member

    @brenty: I tried the following before I saw your reply.

    I exported my Personal Families vault from my Mac to data1.pif. Then I copied data1.pif to iCloud. Got to work today on my Windows machine and downloaded data1.pif from iCloud. I then created a new vault in 1password ( and imported data1.pif. It imported 0 items. Looking at the .pif file, it shows about 145 items, but they all look the same :( . Is the export from 1Password for Mac (up-to-date) not compatible with the up-to-date version of Windows 1Password?


  • Hi @festus777,

    Please be extremely careful with exporting to 1PIF files, they're not encrypted, they're in the clear text format meant for a different purpose. You've just exposed your data by putting it into a cloud folder that Apple can see and all of your computers that have iCloud Drive enabled now has these files in clear view. You should delete it right away and monitor all of your items in that 1PIF export file.

    As @brenty mentioned, you should be using Move function, do not use Export for any reasons unless you are switching to a different program.

    As for compatibility, it definitely should work between both Mac and Windows versions, we'll check and see what's going on. For now, use the move function in the Mac app to move from the Teams vault into the local vault and then sync that vault to your work PC.

  • Hi @festus777,

    I don't see any issues exporting from the Mac App into the Windows app.

    You said they all look the same, can you clarify what you mean by that? Do you mean one item being repeated 145 times or something else?

  • festus777
    Community Member

    @Mike T: Understood about the iCloud warning, although in this case it wouldn't have mattered as the data1.pif file was 145 duplicate lines of the no data:) That data1.pif file was put in a TrueCrypt container before putting in iCloud :).

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @festus777,

    Ah, you didn't mention TrueCrypt part. That's good news.

    Can you export again in the Mac app into the TrueCrypt container and look at it on the Mac, is it the same thing?

    What happens if you select 2-3 items instead of all items to export.

    Also, were you able to use the Move function to move your data into the local vault?

  • festus777
    Community Member

    @MikeT: I'll try the above when I get home where the Mac is

  • Ok, thanks for letting us know. We'll be here waiting for you.

  • festus777
    Community Member

    OK - first off I was able to export an entire vault from my Mac to a pif file, put that in a True Crypt container, transport it to my work Windows machine and finally import it into new vault in 1Password for Windows. All of that worked fine.

    Now, I may be missing something here, but how would I be able to Share from my Mac the way that it has been mentioned above? The Windows 1Password has no connection here with any 1Password vaults related to Families. 1Password for Windows doesn't have Families/Teams capabilities (__although I really, really hope it arrives soon__).

    Looks like I wasn't clear enough before in that I don't have a method of syncing. Dropbox is not allowed thru our firewalls.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @festus777: Unfortunately Dropbox is the only supported computer-to-computer sync method on Windows currently. However, some folks have reported success using other sync services like OneDrive and Google Drive (with the Folder Sync feature 1Password for Mac to store the vault there). However, that does not work with mobile devices, only between computers. Ultimately 1Password Families/Teams will help you and many others in a similar situation. I'm sorry that it isn't quite ready yet on older versions of Windows, but it's coming!

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