Single Version or Team/Family?

Hi Guys,

I just signed up for 1password! Was over excited! Then I realised I have brought a single user license, and I think I need a team or family license?

I have 4 windows computers, I need three of them to use 1 vault (or 1 set of limited passwords), then I need a separate vault or access that allows me to store all my other passwords on the 4th pc.

So would I use 2 separate vaults (and can that be done under a single user license?) or do I need a team/family subscription and setup 2 users?

Thanks in advance

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • zebu
    Community Member

    Sorry - shoudl have said - using 4 windows computers on a local network

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @zebu: If you're only using it yourself, a 1Password license entitles you to use it on all of your computers — no need for additional licenses! However, if you'd also like your family to use it (and perhaps share information securely with them), you may want to consider 1Password Families. It's currently supported on Windows 10, and we're developing it for Windows 7 and 8 as well. Let me know a bit more about your setup, and maybe there are other suggestions I can make. :)

  • zebu
    Community Member

    Thanks for the follow up.

    I am using 1password on 4 windows computers + if i can get it to work, on 1 android device.

    Let me explain the scenario. We run small home office here on a local Lan.

    2 Pc's is in the house (a laptop and a desktop, which are my private pc's).

    The other 2 computers are located in a my detached office away from the house.

    1 pc is used only as my web server and the other as my business use pc.

    So for the two pcs in the house, they will basically share 1 vault - that has all my full password lists.

    The other two pcs' i want to just to make a small subset of passwords available for. These pc's are exposed to possible theft (being separate from the house) so not keen to have 'everything' on them.

    While at the moment it is me using the devices, in 12 mths or so I will likely share the home office with an employee which is also another reason to keep the business vault separate

    So what is the best setup here? 1 vault for the two business pc's and another vault for the two house pc's?

    Or to switch to a team version. Im not to sure how a team version works - but am i correct it's 1 vault - but i can decide who (or which pc/login) sees which passwords?

    To get 1password on my android device, i would need to use drop box (is that correct?) But as the rest are on a local lan, i want to just access the keys from a shared folder on my server.

    Look forward to you suggestion/best approach.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @zebu: Thanks for following up! At this time, it is only possible to access 1Password Teams data on Windows 7 and 8 using the web interface, so it sounds like Dropbox Sync might be the way to go, given that it's supported in all current versions of 1Password across all platforms, and it can be used to share vaults.

    Keep in mind that your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. The one caveat I see for this is that you won't be able to access more than one Dropbox vault in 1Password for Android currently.

    You can of course store the vault(s) on a file server, but 1Password for Android can't sync with that and it isn't something we recommend since data loss can occur if the share goes offline while in use. Be sure to backup your data.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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