using 1password with mac, ios, and windows

I purchased 1password from the mac app store and it's syncing perfectly through icloud on my home macs and iphones. I'd like to also use 1password on my windows computer at work. Do I have to pay another $65 or could I get a windows license based on the purchase I made already? Thanks so much. I love it so far, but I'd rather not pay $130 total. :)

1Password Version: newest
Extension Version: newest
OS Version: newest mac os
Sync Type: icloud
Referrer: kb:switch-from-mac-app-store


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @elove1975: The best thing to do would be to shoot us an email with a copy of your Mac App Store receipt at and we'll see what we can do to help! :)

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