New feature request - font sizing [Planned for future updates]

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows


I use the 1Password Windows desktop app CONTINUALLY and it is indispensable!

Something that would really be a GREAT improvement would be to allow the font sizes in SECURE NOTES to be adjustable...both in the listing by TITLE above and the actually BODY of each note BELOW (and when you EDIT the data).

Right now it just uses a default system font that appears to be locked in at something like a size 8 and as monitors get bigger (and my eyes get older) it is very difficult to read the fonts easily at a distance.

I know there are GLOBAL windows font size display settings you can adjust, but then ALL fonts in EVERY window also go up in size so that isn't an option.

I mentioned this several years ago so I thought I'd "bump" it again and see if there's any possibility that this could happen down the road...?

Thanks much!


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Something that would really be a GREAT improvement would be to allow the font sizes in SECURE NOTES to be adjustable...both in the listing by TITLE above and the actually BODY of each note BELOW (and when you EDIT the data).

    @Wrathwielder: You're right. Probably just improved typography would help, and HighDPI support would help with that, which is why we're working on a new version of the app. It simply isn't something we can (or should) tack onto the existing codebase. I can't say when it will be ready, but we're looking forward to it just as much as you are! Have you tried the 1Password for Windows 10 beta app? It's already much more readable, and there's more to come there too. Thanks for the push! :)

  • Wrathwielder
    Community Member

    Awesome! Glad it's in the pipeline!
    I'd love to try the Win10 beta version - will it run under Win7? HA! :)


  • Hi @Wrathwielder,

    :smile: We are working on a new version of the regular desktop program that'll run on Windows 7 and the end goal is definitely to make them identical as much as we can, which mean better typography support should be in there too. Hopefully, you'll like what we have planned.

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