Little Helper Issue

Hello !

I upgared to Onepassword 4. after installation i deinstalled the old 1password. But now the little helper key bindings dont work i always need to manual click tje icon in the browser bar. And when i start the browser it always looks a long time for the little helper in an own window.

1Password Version: 4.6
Extension Version: 4.5
OS Version: win7
Sync Type: dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @iButler: First, make sure you restart Windows. It sounds like something is preventing the Helper from running. Also, make sure you have the newest version of 1Password browser extension installed. Which browser version are you using? Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • iButler
    Community Member

    Hello !

    I have of course restaret a lot of times my windows :) i use the actual chrome browser.

    I deinstalle 1password (old version) and i only have 1 instance in the task manager.

    I reinstalled the plugin from your link but still the same thx a lot

  • Hi @iButler,

    It might be an interference or blockage caused by your security settings like an anti-malware solution. Could you tell us what anti-malware solution you're using and if you're using a VPN, proxy or anything like that?

  • iButler
    Community Member

    Hello @MikeT

    thx for reaching me out. I have no special anti mailware software. I use some times for control malawarebytes for control. on the system only windows defender is running. thx for support

  • Hi @iButler,

    Could you reproduce the issue and then please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report. Email it to us at and also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • iButler
    Community Member

    of course thx !

  • Thanks!

  • iButler
    Community Member

    Hello !

    When i do your diagnois steps nothing happens. When i click on email or on zip file. so i thought maybe the programm itself doenst work properly so i deinstalled 1password and restaret the pc after that i reinstalled it. but its the same Here is a video:

    Hint: After deinstalalion i checkd the system nothing was found on wind7 with 1password old an new version


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @iButler: Indeed, there's something very wrong on your system. :(

    If something on your PC is preventing the report from being completed you may be able to get it manually:

    1. Open Windows Explorer, type %TEMP% in the address bar, and press Enter
    2. In 1Password, generate the report using the Help menu and look for any files in the Temp folder starting with 1Password
    3. If you don't see a file there, select the 1Password files you see, right-click to compress them, and attach the .zip file when you email us at

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you!

  • iButler
    Community Member

    So i tried but 1password doenst create a file. in my temp folder is nothing with 1password after creating etc. ? what a mess :)

  • Hi @iButler,

    That would mean there's really something wrong on your system that's interfering with 1Password.

    Could you send us your system information file, it will contain the following; what's running on your PC, the installed software and hardware components, system logs, and OS configuration settings. It may help us narrow down to a specific program. To do this:

    1. Open Start, search for system information and open the app.
    2. Go to the File Menu > Save to save it
    3. Email the file to us at and in the email, could you also include the link to this thread along with your forum's username, so we can connect this thread to your email.

    Let us know here when you sent the email, so we can confirm we got it.

  • iButler
    Community Member

    Hello !

    I dont now what i did but now it works this a windows joke :) ?

    I just started my machine today, the little helper comes directly (without finding tab) an the shortcut works. on chrome firefox and safari... i hope it will stay so :)

    But of course i have to thank you rocket support team for help me out !

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. While I'm sorry that you had so much trouble initially (April Fools?), I'm glad to hear that all is well now. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

This discussion has been closed.