Cannot resize long window [Known issue, will fix in a future update]

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello, guys!
I'm using last 1P version on a Windows 10 box. My screen is 1600x900 pixels.

I've got some cards with so much details (I needed to add few fields) that the window goes (down) over the screen. I tried to resize the window, without success: OK/Cancel/Add buttons aren't avaiable.

All I can do, if I can, is to group items (where avaiable with the triangle icon) in order to access to the buttons.

Else, I cannot save.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @iiNebbioso,

    Just a tip that should help, pressing Control + S will save the changes if you can't get to the button next time.

    We do apologize about this, we have plans to redesign the item editor in the future and one of the goals is to make sure it supports a scrollbar. Right now, the way the components are grouped together, scrollbar support isn't possible to add in that view, it requires the entire thing to be rebuilt.

    Another goal is to make editing inline in the details view, so a separate editor isn't required.

    Thanks for letting us know about your experience, we will improve this in a future update.

This discussion has been closed.