When I export all my logins(CSV), the database logins are not being exported on the file

When I export all my logins(CSV), the database logins are not being exported on the file, just the generic logins are being exported

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:export database


  • Hi @poveron,

    CSV is limited to Login items only, you have to use the 1PIF (which is JSON based and flexible) format to export all of your items. Database is a separate category from Logins and is not included in CSV export.

    We do plans to overhaul the export feature in the future, it may provide a separate CSV file per category that might work better.

  • poveron
    Community Member

    Great!! Thank you for the explanation. The 1PIF format works for me.

  • You're welcome. Please be extra careful with these export files as they're not encrypted.

  • poveron
    Community Member

    Sure! Thank you for the tip.

  • You're welcome. If there's anything else we can help you with, let us know.

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