How to sync from Windows 7 via Dropbox web only?

I would love to be able to use 1Password on my work computer which runs Windows 7. Information security policies dictate that we can't have services like dropbox locally installed, although I can access them via the web. Is it still possible to sync using web-based dropbox?

1Password Version: 4.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @adavidow,

    No, it is not possible to sync via the website. You can download the 1Password.agilekeychain folder on to your local drive and ask 1Password to open it but uploading it back up will be difficult.

    You can compress the folder, upload it to the site, download it on the home computer, de-compress it and replace the old folder with this new one.

    This can be prone to sync conflicts because you're constantly uploading and downloading the entire database folder.

    Even worse, Dropbox may throttle you if you have a large database. Because of that, you may sometime not see everything at once because you'll be limited for a few hours before Dropbox lets you finish the rest.

    The best option is to use a USB drive if you can do that.

    We're working on a new version of 1Password that'll support 1Password Families, this will not require a third party sync service as we'll host your data for you and you'd be able to use it in the web app in your browser as well if they block the app.

  • adavidow
    Community Member

    Painful. I'm at a new-to-me place of business, and I'm new to working in a large-ish organization. From an InfoSec standpoint, desktop access DropBox, iCloud, Google Drive, etc. greatly complicates an organization's ability to present itself as taking reasonable steps to keep private stuff private (which, by way of digression, is why I use 1Password in the first place). Not allowed here. From a personal perspective, of course, this means a painful transition until that Windows 7 app is available. Don't make me find an alternative!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We're looking forward to being able to release an updated 1Password app for Windows 7 and 8 for all of us to use too, once it's finished. Thanks for your patience!

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