Is there a way to preventing 1Password from opening on systry "Unlock"?

When I select the "Unlock" option from 1password, is there a way to prevent it from opening 1password?

I just want to unlock it 1password, but not have it open the main window.


1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @dswitzer,

    No, this is intentional to let you unlock the main process, which then unlocks 1Password Helper.

    We do plan to improve this in the future but for now, there's no way to avoid opening the main program.

  • dswitzer
    Community Member


    I'd definitely like to see this behavior added. I don't want the window opened when I'm not in a private location, but want to completely unlock 1Password, so I'm not prompted again to login (until it's locked again).

  • Hi @dswitzer,

    Wait, are you asking to unlock 1Password even without the UI from the system tray, not just the main window? You want something like this:

    1. Click on 1Password icon in the system tray
    2. The unlock dialog pops up for the password, you enter it and then that's it, nothing else shows up?
  • dswitzer
    Community Member


    When I click on the locked icon in the systray, I'm prompted to login (via Secure Desktop, which I have set as the default), but the main 1Password window automatically opens. If I right-click and select the "Unlock" option, I get the same behavior.

    What I want is to be able to right click, select to "Unlock", get the Secure Desktop, enter my password and not have the main window open. I just want 1Password to unlock. If I want to open the window, I'd choose the "Unlock" option to open w/out the main window opening.

    Strangely enough, I'm now not getting the context menu when I right-click on the icon to "Unlock" after manually locking 1Password. I know this happens when I do a restart. Seems like maybe there's an issue after starting up. If I lock my PC (which forces 1Password to lock) or just lock 1Password, right clicking on it forces for my password before showing the context menu. This is fine.

    So, the problem seems to be on a fresh reboot, 1Password is showing the context menu before prompting for my password.

  • Hi @dswitzer,

    Thanks for the extra details.

    1Password behaves differently depending on the active application. If you right-click on the 1Password icon while your web browser is opened, it will not open the main window and show you the contextual menu.

    It should only open the main window when there's no front app running, which may happen more often after reboots and you right-click on 1Password right away without opening any other apps.

    We are going to change this behavior completely in the next version of 1Password that we're working on right now.

  • dswitzer
    Community Member


    That would explain it!

    Thanks for the update.

  • You're welcome!

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