wifi sync for Windows and iPhone is not working. None of the above work. Help please?

I have 1Password for Windows and I also have the app on my iPhone. I have never had any wifi sync issues before between those two. But, lately the wifi sync does not work. When in my iPhone I touch on "Sync using Wi-Fi" and all I see is "Refesh List." When I touch this, nothing happens. Could there be an issue due to an updating of the IOS version on the iPhone? My wife is experiencing the same issue when trying to sync the Windows and her iPhone. I cannot seem to understand the problem. Note, I have zero problem syncing between my iPhone and Dropbox. Please help?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:windows/, kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb:wifi-troubleshooting, kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb:wifi-troubleshooting


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sneen: 1Password doesn't negotiate network connections, so it won't be anything that's changed with 1Password itself. Rather, often OS or security software configuration issues block the connection (where your iPhone can't "see" the PC on the network). However, since your wife is having a similar problem, it may be something with the network itself, so be sure to check your router as well. Knowing so little about your setup, it's difficult to be more specific, but if you've both updated Windows 10 recently we've seen many cases where this resets network settings. Dropbox is often a better option since it doesn't depend on your network setup. In any case, you can follow the steps in this guide to help narrow down the problem:

    Wi-Fi Sync troubleshooting

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

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