1Password 6 for Mac license valid for 1Password 4 for Windows?


I have a license for 1PW 6 for Mac (it's an academic license since I work at a university). Now I have a new Windows laptop, and I would like to use 1PW on that machine (but would like to keep using 1PW on the Mac in parallel).

The text on the store page says "Single license" and "A license for all your OS X and Windows desktops". So my understanding is that I can use my license for the Windows version as well.

However, for 1PW 6 I have a license file, while 1PW 4 on Windows asks me to enter a license key.

I also have an old license key for PW 3 for Mac which was upgraded to be used with PW 4 and PW 6 at some point in time (yes, I'm a happy long term user :) Some upgrades were free AFAIR, so thanks for that again, AgileBits :) )

My question is: Do I have to buy another license for Windows or does is my license file valid for that version too, and if yes, what do I need to do in order to get it to work with 1PW on the Windows machine?

If not: Would I need to buy another combined license for both Mac and Windows, or are there Windows-only options available (since I already have a working Mac license)?


1Password Version: 6.2.1 Mac and Windows
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 11.4 and Win 10
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: kb-search:windows mac license


  • RalphBln
    Community Member

    I forgot to say that I tried to enter the 1PW4 key in 1PW4 for Windows, but it was rejected for being a Mac-only license.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RalphBln: I'm sorry for the confusion! We recently made some changes to 1Password licensing. While these won't affect your existing licenses, since I'm unable to find them in our system it's difficult to say for certain what you have and what your options are. The best thing to do would be to email us at support+licenses@agilebits.com with your details (just the email address used for the AgileBits Store purchase should suffice) and we'll see what we can do to help! :)

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