Actual Firefox error

This just started today. What to do????? (kiezen= to choose). I do not understand anything what to do?

With kind regards for your help

Jan Lichtenbelt

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.5.
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: -


  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @JanLichtenbelt,

    Press OK to let it launch 1Password, which will start 1Password Helper for you.

    1Password Helper is the background service that runs on your computer, so it can work with the 1Password extension in your web browsers to fill and save your 1Password data. Your 1Password extensions doesn't have any data or UI, that's handle by 1Password Helper.

    What happened in this situation is that the extension can't find 1Password Helper, so it tries to send a command to have 1Password restart it for you.

  • JanLichtenbelt
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    Ok, the helper tries to start 1Password again. But fails, because nothing happens. What to do next?

    Kind regards


  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Jan,

    Open the main 1Password program and go to the Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper to do it manually. After it is done, restart Firefox and see if 1Password works now in Firefox.

    If not, there may have been a third party update on your computer that've started blocking 1Password from working. Can you tell us what anti-malware solution you're using?

    Try a reboot, this sometime helps.

  • JanLichtenbelt
    Community Member

    Hi Mike

    The restart of the Helper works! I'm happy. Thanks a lot.

    With kind regards

    Jan lichtenbelt

  • Hi @JanLichtenbelt,

    That's great, I'm glad it helped.

    When you have a free moment, could you reboot your computer, wait until all programs finishing loading and then open Firefox, does 1Password work still?

    We've sometimes seen issues like this come back upon reboots, so I just want to confirm with you that this stay fixed even after reboots.

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