Saved passwords are showing up on PC 1Password software, but not on my 1Password family account.

I am beyond confused. I'm switching from LastPass because many experts have suggested 1Password is so much easier and more secure. I'm not finding that at all. I'm highly tech savvy and I've wasted my entire day on just getting things initially set up on 1Password. Here is the process I followed:

  1. I first signed up for 1password TEAMS account, because that's what I intend to use it for: business. This was also a free option... bonus.
  2. Nothing worked. I could get access to my empty vault, but not add anything to it, and the browser addon didn't work.
  3. Then I thought - I wonder if you have to PAY for a base account first, and THEN get a free Teams account and link the two together, because something is obviously missing. So I signed up for a paid family account just to see if I'd get a different experience.
  4. Somehow, it seemed to automatically link my family account to my Team account, because they both automatically had the same Account Key. So I moved forward and manually set up all my logins for about 40-50 different websites (by the way, this sucked. I had to navigate to every website and hope I remembered them all. With LastPass, it automatically detected all the sites I visited and allowed me to checkbox through a list. So setup and saving logins to 50-100 sites took all of 10 minutes with LastPass. Hours with 1password.
  5. So I got all my logins set up using my desktop software. Now I want to invite my husband, so I go to my browser to log back into my family account, and THERE ARE NO LOGINS SAVED. Somehow, although my Account Key is the same, the family account and my personal account are not seeing each others' vaults, and I can't figure out how to get them to.

I have both 1Password 4 and 1Password Beta installed. 1Password 4 looks like it was developed in 1994. 1Password Beta looks better, but has very little functionality.

Please help! I really need this to work fast because I'm pretty upset I've spent so much time already and that 1Password is so incredibly clunky. LastPass was so smooth. I don't want to go back to LastPass, because I had already committed to change, and uninstalled it. But if I can't even figure out how to set this up, how on EARTH am I supposed to train less-tech-savvy business team members how to do this?

Any ideas??????

1Password Version: 4 and Beta ( (15))
Extension Version: (chrome)
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb:import-lastpass, kb:teams-families-migrate


  • Hi @kennalyn,

    The short answer is, it won't work for you right now because you're on Windows. The experts may have been referring to the Mac and iOS versions of 1Password, not Windows.

    We do apologize about any misunderstanding but 1Password Teams or Families is not fully ready to be used on Windows, there's no stable Windows version of 1Password that supports either services right now. For other platforms such as Mac and iOS, 1Password apps and 1Password Teams has a complete experience.

    You caught us in the middle of a massive transition as both 1Password Teams and the Windows program are in active development and we're working with companies to determine where 1Password Teams should go.

    The current beta you've tried from the Windows Store that works with 1Password Teams/Families do not support extensions at the moment, so you may have been saving to the 1Password 4 for Windows desktop program, not to your 1Password account.

    We do want to help you but before we go further, based on what I just told you, do you still want to proceed with using 1Password Teams / Families or switch to 1Password 4 for Windows that you said looks like it was in 1994? This is the current stable version that works with the browsers you use, support syncing via Dropbox that you can share vaults with your husband and so on.

  • kennalyn
    Community Member

    Before I make my decision, can you answer these:

    1. I have a Mac as well. If I do the main portion of setup on my mac, can my team members be on a PC?
    2. Will logging into sites via 1Password on the PCs still be just as secure as logging on to the mac?
    3. Can I change my account back to a Team account instead of a Family account? Because that's what I really needed. I only switched to Family because it seemed like that's what I needed to do to get anything to work.
    4. Is the Team account really free? Why would it be free when Family and Individual are charged?
  • Hi @kennalyn,

    I have a Mac as well. If I do the main portion of setup on my mac, can my team members be on a PC?

    They'd have the same experience, the beta app will show them limited data and no browser extensions but they can access the data in the beta app and also on in Chrome or Firefox.

    Also, you can do some of the setup on in Firefox or Chrome on the PC as well.

    For the beta app, you can use the Browse button on the bottom right to log into the site via 1Browser. You can see this in action here:

    Once we release the next major version of 1Password for Windows, they'd be able to quickly log into their accounts to get the full experience like on the Mac, iOS and Android.

    Will logging into sites via 1Password on the PCs still be just as secure as logging on to the mac?

    If you use 1Browser in the Windows 10 app, it would be the same. For the web app, you would have to copy and paste and that might be a bit more risky because your clipboard isn't secured but as long as the system is not compromised, it'll be safe.

    Can I change my account back to a Team account instead of a Family account? Because that's what I really needed. I only switched to Family because it seemed like that's what I needed to do to get anything to work.

    Unfortunately, there's no easy button on to switch back from Family to Team, you can switch from Team to Family but not the other way around.

    You can get in touch with us at and we'll switch you back manually.

    Is the Team account really free? Why would it be free when Family and Individual are charged?

    No, it isn't. It is free while it is in beta. We're going to announce pricing very soon as we're close to releasing it to the market.

This discussion has been closed.