Sync between computers

This discussion was created from comments split from: WIFI Sync: Win+Mac+iOS.


  • tundrwd
    Community Member

    How then does one sync between Windows and Mac? I'm using Dropbox - not syncing, and can't sync with wifi.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @tundrwd,

    It is different for everyone depending on what they have but usually, people use their own sync service. If they're already using iCloud Drive, they use that to sync the 1Password vault between the computers and use one computer solely for the Wi-Fi sync. To do this, you first must enable Folder Sync in the Mac app and then sync that folder to the PC.

    If mobile devices are involved, then the only option is Dropbox.

    If you're using Dropbox, then that's your best option. Configure the Mac app to enable the sync with Dropbox and than Dropbox will sync the 1Password folder to the PC for you. You then direct 1Password on the PC to open the folder in Dropbox.

  • tundrwd
    Community Member

    Ok - how are the unique types that the Mac supports, but PC doesn't (Credit Cards, Identities, etc.) handled? Just ignored? They don't "convert" or get shown as something else?

  • The item types are supported, of course, but in Windows they are still grouped in old categories, by default.
    You can disable the account and wallet categories in the view menu.

This discussion has been closed.