Are smart folders in the future for the Windows version?

I read a number of articles praising the wonders of 1Passwords smart folders in the Mac version. Is there any future for these in the Windows version of 1Password?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @skiloads,

    At the moment, no but it isn't isolated to Windows. No other 1Password apps beside the Mac version supports Smart Folders. The way Smart Folders work relies entirely on OS X APIs that is not available anywhere else, not even on iOS.

    In order for us to implement it with cross-platform support in mind, the entire feature has to be scrapped and rebuilt. For now, we're using tags only in our 1Password Families and Teams services. So, all apps that are logged in with the 1Password Families/Teams accounts are consistent with this as well, tags only. No regular folders either, it's gone.

    If we were to implement Smart Folders in the future, we're already half way done because it depends on tags.

  • We're very sorry about the troubles, @dahanbn.

    Tags were added at a later point in 1Password 4 for Windows and are limited by the capabilites of the application's code base.
    We are working on making this a lot better in the new verison for Windows.

    As for locating all items with one tag:
    1. Select 'All' in the left hand side bar.
    2. Click into the search field and hit ALT+DOWN ARROW.

    It will list all available tags and once oyu select one, the item list will show on those items with this particular tag.

    I hope this helps.

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