Vault copy

Community Member

The copy action from the Main to a secondary vault that already exists duplicates every entry in that secondary vault. Just how can I prevent this?

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: Main: iCloud, Sec:Dropbox


  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2016

    Hi @Rley002,

    When you copy an item from Vault A into Vault B the result should be:

    • that item remains in its original place in Vault A, and
    • another copy of that item is added to Vault B

    So you end up with two copies of that item, one in each vault. Are you saying that you're ending up with two copies of the item in Vault B, in addition to the original item in Vault A, for a total of 3 of the same item? If so, can you please tell us, in as much detail as you can, the steps you take to copy the item, so that we can try to reproduce this behavior?

    In case I'm misinterpreting this, I'll mention that another option is to move instead of copy. When you move an item from Vault A to Vault B:

    • the item should no longer be in Vault A
    • the item should now be only in Vault B

    Neither of these processes should result in duplicates in Vault B. However, if you use the copy function and then view your items in All Vaults view, you should see both copies of the item listed, one in Vault A and one in Vault B. The item details will tell you which vault each item is in.

    I hope this helps clarify a bit. I look forward to your response. :)

  • Rley002
    Community Member

    I sync Vault A to iCloud and Vault B to Dropbox.
    Here is what i do:

    To copy all your items from the Primary vault to a secondary vault:

    • Open 1Password and make sure you're in the Primary vault.
    • Click on All Items in the left sidebar.
    • Click on one of the items in the list, then go to the menu
    • for Edit > Select All (this should highlight all the items in the list).
    • Go to the menu for Item > Share > [secondary vault name and Copy

    The result is that all items are duplicated in Vault B

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    That is expected.

    If you copy items from Vault A to Vault B, you will have two copies of the items: 1 copy in Vault A, 1 copy in Vault B.

    If you copy the same items from Vault A to Vault B again, you will have three copies: 1 copy in Vault A, 2 copies in Vault B.

    Every time you create another copy of the item(s), you increase the number of copies. Think of it like creating a copy of anything else: a copy of a file in Finder, a photocopy of piece of paper. There is no limit to the number of copies you can make if you keep making copies.

  • Rley002
    Community Member

    Just how can I fix this for good so that vault B(dropbox) is an exact copy of vault A(iCloud)?

    Can I safely delete vault B and start the copy process all over?

  • Hi @Rley002 ,

    Yes, you can safely delete vaultB as long as your items are still in vaultA.

    One thing to pay attention to - when you see the duplicates, make sure that you are actually viewing vaultB by itself, and not "All Vaults." If you are viewing the "All Vaults" vault, it shows all of your items from both vaults, hence the duplicates.


  • Rley002
    Community Member

    Many thanks Kevin

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Rley002,

    I’m glad that Kevin’s answer helped!

    I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any other questions or concerns, you know where to find us! :)

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