Office 365 One time password - invalid QR code error


Hi, I'm trying to use 1PW for my multi-factor authentication within Office 365, and I went to scan the QR code provide and said it was an invalid QR code. I tried adding manually using the numbers provided and while this gave me an OTP, it was not matching within Office 365. I was forced to use M$ Authenticator. Are there known issues? Tried searching forum first before creating this.

1Password Version: ios app 6.4 1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 9.4 Beta
Sync Type: familes
Referrer: forum-search:Office 365 One time password cannot scan QR code


  • MikeT

    Hi @duff2481,

    The secret URL they gave you, does it start with phonefactor://? If yes, that's because they don't use the same standard as the TOTP standard that's common across the industry. Unfortunately, they have not made their SDK public for their version that we can include in 1Password.

    Our previous thread is here:

  • duff2481
    Community Member

    Very very interesting. So i just disabled and re-enabled multi-factor auth within Office 365 Business account, it gave me a new code and this time didn't link to any URL, scanned the URL and this was successfu as well as the confirmation of the OTP. Thank you for your quick response and interguing me enough to go back and re-do it.

  • MikeT

    Hi @duff2481,

    That is unusual, we'll keep investigating to see if we can figure out a better way to notify users about this in the future.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

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