I made a copy of my 1password folder in dropbox and now nothing works anymore

Community Member

My data stopped syncing on my iOS devices, and as it was not the first time I wanted to just start from scratch again ( I have 2 folders in dropbox and wasn't sure which one was the good one).
I wasn't sure I could just erase everything (don't know where the data is stored), do I made a copy of my 2 old 1password folders and wanted to create a new one. I can't upload the backup files anymore, the format is not recognized it looks like it has changed in the copy process????
Bottom line is: I have my backup file, but can't use it to create a new vault.
Please help to recover this backup!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:copy of folder in dropbox


  • MikeT

    Hi @CADFT,

    Are you using 1Password for Windows in addition to your iOS devices? Could you tell us all of your devices and computers that you're using 1Password on and which has the most complete up to date data for you?

    For now, do not delete anything and do not use backups, it wouldn't help in this case because your backups are copies of your current database in 1Password. We just need to find the most complete up to date database and use that for the rest of your 1Password apps to use.

    Community Member

    Hi Mike
    Thank you for your comment. I use 1Password on my PC and iPhone + iPad. The most up to date data is on my PC.
    Thanks for your help

  • MikeT

    Hi @CADFT,

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

    Community Member

    I cannot open 1Password... that's the problem

  • MikeT

    Hi @CADFT,

    Did you already delete the 1Password folder prior to contacting us? It shouldn't be showing you that if it had the up to date complete database as you said.

    If you did delete the folder but the PC version was the app that recently had the up to date complete database, then in that case, restore from a backup file. Try this:

    1. Open 1Password on the PC, click on Restore 1Password Data from Backup, and select the most recent backup from your Documents > 1Password > Backups directory, it should be a file ending in either .opvault_zip or .agilekeychain_zip.
    2. Choose to restore it to your Documents > 1Password directory.
    3. After that, unlock and see if you can access your data. If yes, generate the diagnostics report and email it to us, so we can help with the iOS devices.
    Community Member

    No I have but deleted the files, I have made a copy of the 1password folder, also on Dropbox, in a copy folder.
    It seems that the file name (not extension )has been automatically changed in doing so.
    I did try to restore by manually selecting the right up to date file from that copy folder, but it wouldn't load. The error message says the format is not recognized.
    I then tried to remove the 1password folder from the copy folder and put it back into the dropbox root as before. that created again a "new" file name by adding a _3 at the end.
    I could not load that file either to recover as you describe in the procedure, again an unrecognized format.

  • Ah, well please remove the _3 from the file extension and make sure that the extension is either .agilekeychain or .opvault.

    Then try to open the vault file in 1Password again and let us know how it goes.

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