www.fineco.it in Italy experiences login error with 1Password
Hi, the most important web bank site in Italy, www.fineco.it has a login problem with 1password 1Password
Version 6.2.1 (621001) Mac App Store.
When I try to login (the same with my wife on others mac computers and difference browsers) the system answers with a message in RED on the password field "you have inserted more than 8 characters" and the login processe fails.
May you help me to asses the issue ?
1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.2.1 (621001) Mac App Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OX 10.11.5
Sync Type: iCloud
Hi @tertulliano,
It sounds to me like the password you have saved in 1Password might be longer than is allowed by your bank - is that the case?
Please check the password in your Login item and make sure it is correct.