Could a scrollbar be added to secure notes? Also, please make the fields types match with iOS

Community Member
edited June 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

See screenshot

Could a scrollbar be added to secure notes? If they get too long, I'm not able to save/cancel or add new fields below a certain point.

Also, there are more field types available on iOS than Windows. Could you add the missing field types to Windows? Right now I have to open my phone app to add the missing field types, then edit them on Windows.


  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @AccountFor1Password,

    In the future, you can press Control + S to save your data if you can't get to the button.

    Unfortunately, the item editor component cannot have a scrollbar added to it. The good news is that in the upcoming 1Password 6, all editing is done in-line, so there's no need for a separate editor and scrollbar is already supported.

    As for field types, the Windows and iOS apps have the same amount of categories but the Windows app support grouping related categories into Accounts and Wallets. You can undo these via the View Menu to deselect Accounts/Wallets and the Windows app will then match the same category list as the iOS app.

    The next Windows version will get rid of the groupings, it will be consistent with all 1Password apps from now on.

  • AccountFor1Password
    Community Member

    Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for 1Password 6.

  • You're welcome. In the mean time, please do let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.

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