I have a couple of questions before buying 1Password.

Community Member

Disclaimer: Right now using Lastpass and considering trying out 1Password.

  1. Last time I checked the price was 49.99. Why is it now 64.99? Is it new version or something?? Don't tell me its because of families like increasing the price of the normal one so people will buy the families? That's absurd.

  2. I will be buying for windows. so will this version get updates for free in the future? any insight on when the next version is coming and will it be free or paid?

  3. Any news of any upcoming sales or promotions? Bcause I'm a student with a very tight budget it would be very sad to see purchasing and then seeing price slashed after a week or a month.

  4. I noticed the 1password keychain is actually a folder with many files inside. In a worst case scenario, what would happen if couple of files from inside that folder gets deleted or goes corrupt/missing(i know it wont but still) for whatever reason? will my whole vault go ham? what is the most important file inside the folder?

Thanks a lot for replying.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Disclaimer: Right now using Lastpass and considering trying out 1Password.

    @sam_: Great! Thanks for checking out 1Password! :)

    Last time I checked the price was 49.99. Why is it now 64.99? Is it new version or something?? Don't tell me its because of families like increasing the price of the normal one so people will buy the families? That's absurd.

    I hate to say it, but as demonstrated almost daily here on the forums, most people who purchased 1Password for Mac or 1Password for Windows expected to be able to use 1Password on all of their computers — Mac and PC. So we trimmed the "bundle" price and eliminated separate licenses in favour of a single 1Password desktop license.

    I will be buying for windows. so will this version get updates for free in the future? any insight on when the next version is coming and will it be free or paid?

    We've only just released an early beta of 1Password for Windows version 6, so it's too early to say for certain about the upgrade. Worst case scenario, a paid upgrade for an existing AgileBits Store customer is 50% off. But traditionally we've also offered a free upgrade window for folks who purchased prior to a new major release.

    Any news of any upcoming sales or promotions? Bcause I'm a student with a very tight budget it would be very sad to see purchasing and then seeing price slashed after a week or a month.

    We don't announce sales in advance, but I'm betting that we'll have another at some point in the future, and we tend to announce these on Facebook, Twitter, our blog, and our email newsletter.

    I noticed the 1password keychain is actually a folder with many files inside. In a worst case scenario, what would happen if couple of files from inside that folder gets deleted or goes corrupt/missing(i know it wont but still) for whatever reason? will my whole vault go ham? what is the most important file inside the folder?

    It depends on what's deleted. You may end up with an item or two which cannot be read, or missing encryption keys. 1Password saves vault backups automatically, and keeping a copy offsite will ensure that you can restore your data in even the most dire of circumstances (zombie apocalypse notwithstanding).

    Thanks a lot for replying.

    Any time! Be sure to try the free trial if you're not already, and let us know if you have any other questions. :)

  • sam_
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot for the answers! :)

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    @sam_ On behalf of brenty, you're very welcome! If there's anything else that you'd like to know about 1Password, please don't hesitate to ask! :chuffed:

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