License for Mac and Windows

I bought 1Password for my Mac in November 2015 and it works like a charm!
Now I wanted to install it on my Laptop with Windows, but every time I try to enter my license-key it says "invalid license". According to your homepage "1Password is licensed per person, not per device. Your single license allows you to use 1Password on as many Mac and Windows machines as you own." the same license should work on both computers, right? What am I doing wrong?

Greetings from germany

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.3 (630032) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.15
Sync Type: none


  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @Chickenwing,

    I apologize for the confusion, we've updated the license terms for the new desktop license we've started offering back in March, 2016, this new license covers both Mac and Windows.

    For current customers that purchased the previous platform-specific license such as the 1Password 4-6 for Mac license from our store, they would have to upgrade their license at our upgrade store here: to get the Windows coverage.

    If 1Password was bought from Mac App Store, a proof of purchase would need to be emailed to us at to get the discount on the desktop license.

  • Chickenwing
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT,
    thanks for your answer!
    But the upgrade price shown is $32.49, that's 50% from a new single license! Unbelievable! :(

  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @chickenwing,

    That's correct. If you'd like, you can email us at and we can talk about it.

  • Chickenwing
    Community Member

    I just received an answer from your support: The upgrade remains at $32,49.

    So if I upgrade that comes to a total of 82,48 $ (49,99$ for the Mac-Only version plus 32,49$ for the upgrade) whereas a new user of your software pays 64,99$ for the same product contents - great appreciation of existing users :(

    That settles the matter.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's simply not the case. That would be true for someone purchasing the Mac version at full price, but then the option was available to purchase both the Mac and Windows versions together from AgileBits for a discount. I sure can't walk into Subway and pay the difference to get a drink and chips after buying only a sub last time. Even though you chose not to get a Windows license originally, we'll give you a 50% discount as an existing customer, regardless of what you paid originally. Pretty much anywhere else, you pay the asking price for a product, software, sandwich, or otherwise. It's all about choices, and I wish you'd stick to the facts. :(

  • Chickenwing
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty,

    believe it or not I didn't remember that I bought my 1password license as a part of a bundle :-(
    So I officially apologize for the confusion I created.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    No need to apologize! I believe it. I'd be lying if I said I don't forget things myself now and then! I really appreciate you setting the record straight. It isn't easy. I hope you'll reach out if there's ever anything we can do to help. Have a great weekend! :)

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