What is the Current Version of 1Password for Windows

I went out to the the AgileBits store to check my licenses and it shows I have two, 1Password for Windows Family License and 1Password 4 for Windows Family License. Which is newer?

Seeing both are Family licences, how is that going to effect me when the new versions come out?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Freway01: 1Password for Windows 4 is the current version. Having an older license won't affect anything. It just gets you a discount when you upgrade. Just in case you don't have it handy, I've resent your license information via email. There you can download the current version of 1Password for Windows and use that license key to register it. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Freway01
    Community Member

    Thanks. What's the difference between 1Password for Windows 4 for Families and the new 1Password Families?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Freway01: Great question! Years ago we had a "family license" which was essentially a bundle for multiple family members to use the app, instead of buying multiple licenses separately.

    1Password Families is new and a bit different. Instead of a license, it's a subscription which gives 5 family members access to all of the 1Password apps and makes it easy to share data securely with loved ones. And instead of configuring sync settings, you just login to your 1Password Account to access your data on each device. I hope this helps! :)

  • Freway01
    Community Member

    Will the "family license" like have today where I paid a one-time fee for using the product for that the life of that version be offered instead of a monthly fee? I'm not a fan of subscriptions?

  • Hi @freway01,

    There is no more family license being sold anymore by us. It's now:

    1. A single-user license that covers all Mac/Windows computers you will use 1Password on, lifetime version use and a discounted upgrade fee for the next version or
    2. A subscription plan that includes all 1Password apps, 5 family members and all upgrades included with a powerful web application to manage your family data.
  • Freway01
    Community Member

    How long can we stay on 1Password for Windows 4 for Families? As stated I don't do subscriptions.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Your existing license won't expire. You can continue using 1Password 4 until the app just stops working, for example, due to a new Windows version in the future that isn't compatible. But given Microsoft's track record for maintaining backward compatibility, I don't think you even need to worry about that. Cheers! :)

  • Freway01
    Community Member


  • You're welcome.

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