Auto-Type and login issues

This discussion was created from comments split from: Autotype.


  • eddydc
    Community Member

    I'm currently trying out 1password and I'm very confused with the auto type. I've tried with several site and the userid/password never gets filled in. Specifying auto type for each login doesn't do it either.
    The autotype shortcut doesn't work either. As I'm using a Belgian keyboard, Ctrl - \ doesn't work (\ is hidden under Alt-Gr), but assigning another shortcut doesn't make any difference.
    How can I achieve that things get automatically filled in and submitted when I get a login screen?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eddydc: I'm sorry for the confusion! Auto-Type is pretty much what it sounds like: 1Password automatically typing login credentials for you in an app by emulating a keyboard.

    However, it doesn't sound like you're having trouble with Auto-Type at all, but rather something blocking the keyboard shortcut entirely. Is there maybe another keyboard shortcut or some "security" software interfering?

    Also, 1Password won't automatically do anything when you get to a login page. It will only fill your sensitive information when you tell it to. Either the keyboard shortcut or clicking the extension button in your browser can be used for that.

    So first let's figure out why this isn't working for you. Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me the OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action.

    The more information you can give, the better. For instance, knowing the specific URLs or apps you're trying to fill will allow us to give specific instructions. Thanks in advance! :)

  • eddydc
    Community Member

    These are the specs:
    Windows 7 - 64 bit
    FF 46.0.1 with 1Password 4.5.6
    No security software besides McAfee Agent
    Filling in the info via the extension button does work.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eddydc: Thanks for getting back to me! It's encouraging that you're at least able to use the extension button in the mean time.

    Try suspending McAfee temporarily, and then go to 1Password Preferences > Logins and set your preferred keyboard shortcut. Then go to 1Password Help > Restart 1Password Helper and see if you're able to use the keyboard shortcut to fill in the browser. I suspect that will help, and then we can focus back on Auto-Type and individual login issues. :)

  • eddydc
    Community Member

    Seems to be a bit further now. I don't why exactly, why it does more now (maybe the restart), but I got a popup now with the shortcut. This seems be exactly the same as clicking on the extension icon, whereas I though it would be quicker and fill in the credentials.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eddydc: Ctrl \ (or whichever login keyboard shortcut you set) will fill the login for the current page if one exists. If more than one exists, then you'll be presented with the menu to select which to fill. This is also similar to Ctrl Alt \, which will open the 1Password menu instead of simply filling. Does that help?

  • eddydc
    Community Member

    There is only one login and I get the popup.
    My settings:
    Auto submit, enable multiple URLs, Show X more items, Show username, auto download icon -> checked
    Show note -> not checked
    No idea what this domain matching does.

  • Hi @eddydc,

    The domain matching will be gone in the next version of 1Password but basically, it lets you add a second domain to be treated the same way as the original domain. For an example, can be added to match, and when you're on, 1Password will treat it as and show you Login items for

    This is an old legacy feature as we're now supporting multiple URLs in the Login items and include our own domain lists.

    There is only one login and I get the popup.

    What shortcut did you assign now? If you include alt in the shortcut, it will force the login menu to show up all the time.

    Try to assign a different keyboard shortcut that doesn't include alt in it.

This discussion has been closed.