Windows application always opens behind other windows


I have Windows 7 Enterprise with 3 screens. I usually have windows open across all 3 (outlook, Lync, OneNote, Chrome). When I need to open 1Password from the Taskbar, I click it of course. But it never just appears in the foreground. I ALWAYS opens behind other windows and I have to go searching for it across my 3 screens. I do have UltraMon for screen management if that matters. Many thanks for any guidance.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT

    Hi @shperkinsjr,

    We've seen reports where UltraMon interferes with 1Password. Can you disable it temporarily, restart and see if 1Password opens up in front?

    By the way, there isn't a way to delete your own posts, simply edit the post to say please delete this and we'll delete it for you.

  • shperkinsjr
    Community Member

    @MikeT Thank you sir! I'll try this and let you know.

  • MikeT

    You're welcome and hopefully, UltraMon is the reason.

  • pqfnb2
    Community Member

    Was there ever any followup to this? I've always had the same issue at work. I'm on Windows 7, but I don't have UltraMon.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pqfnb2: Unfortunately it's impossible to say what may be the cause on your system if you're not using that. Are you using other display software? Your guess is probably better than mine given that apart from Windows 7 I don't know anything about your setup, so any additional detail will be appreciated. Let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • MikeT

    Hi @pqfnb2,

    No followups, we haven't been able to reproduce this consistently with any apps, including UltraMon.

This discussion has been closed.