IP on Start Up

Running Windows 10. I recently noticed in Task Manager that 1P was running twice - 1Password & 1Password (3). I disabled 1Password (3) and rebooted. Despite the settings in Preferences 1P did not open on start up. So I went back into Task Manager disabled 1Password and enabled 1Password(3). Now 1Password opens on a secure desktop on start up - good, but does not unlock on the browser at the same time as set in preferences.
1. Can you think why I might have had two 1passwords running at the same time in Task Manager
2. Why does 1Password not unlock on the browser on start up when checked in preferences to do so.
3. Should I simply delete 1Password and reinstall it for what?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: W10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2016

    @Andrew42: I may be misunderstanding part of your description, but I think you're referring to the Helper (Agile1PAgent.exe).

    1.Can you think why I might have had two 1passwords running at the same time in Task Manager

    As I alluded to above, 1Password has to main components: the main app window, where you manage your vault, and the Helper which runs in the background to facilitate browser integration.

    2.Why does 1Password not unlock on the browser on start up when checked in preferences to do so.

    If the main 1Password app is not running, it cannot unlock along with Helper (using the browser extension). Helper should automatically load on startup so that you can use 1Password in your browser, but you can also add the main 1Password app to the Startup folder (and have it run minimized, as I like to do) to allow it to lock and unlock with the Helper. Since the Helper is always running unless you actively kill it or prevent it from loading on startup, it should always be able to unlock along with the main app — provided you have that setting enabled.

    3.Should I simply delete 1Password and reinstall it for what?

    It doesn't sound like it. But do you perhaps have an old version installed still? Check Add & Remove Programs in Control Panel and let me know what you find!

  • Andrew42
    Community Member


    Starting with your last comment: I have checked Add and Remove Programs and the only version of 1Passwaord is the current version.

    However I have also attached a screen shot of my Task Manager Start Up. At the top you will see you 1Password mentioned twice. If both are not enabled 1Password does not run properly. By this I mean even if I unlock 1P on start up, it does not actually unlock until I invoke Internet Explorer whereupon I get asked if I want 1Password to run and when I agree I get the 1P unlock screen again. I have attached more screen shots and I hope you can unravel what I mean. One screen shot shows the icons of programmes running and you will notice 1P is NOT there even though I have unlocked it. I have also attached a screen shot of the processes running where you can see two 1P items running in the background. I took this screen shot with both 1P enabled on Start Up.

    As I read this it seems very confusing. If I am not making sense tell me and I will try to re-write this.

  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @Andrew42,

    When you open Internet Explorer and get that Internet Explorer Security dialog, make sure you check the box for Do not show the warning for this program again and then press Allow. That'll ensure 1Password will run in Internet Explorer all the time instead of being disabled by Internet Explorer every time you close the browser. That means it is disabled until you manually authorize it again, which also means 1Password cannot unlock it automatically while it is disabled.

    Also, in your task manager's Start Up list, the (3) next to 1Password means there are three separate processes under it. Can you expand it and retake the screenshot for us? There should only be 1 or 2 but I'm not sure what the third one is. You can also right-click on each process to select Open file location to see where it is running from.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thanks for the advice. I will check the box next time IE security dialog shows itself.
    Attached is an expanded Start Up screen.
    Item 1: Program files (x86)/1Password.exe
    Item 2: Program files (x86)/Agile1PLogin.exe
    Item 3: Windows/System32/ctfmon.exe

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Andrew42: Thanks! The third process, Microsoft's ctfmon.exe, is used to manage alternate input methods (handwriting, speech, etc.) It isn't quite clear to me why it would be listed under 1Password, but it may be because 1Password is a 32-bit program. I don't have this on any of my systems, but I suspect it would show up if I had Office installed. However, based on documentation, it sounds like it's likely a remnant of an old version of Office, given that Windows 10 comes with support for writing and speech built in. I hope this helps! :)

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