Unable to see/view attachments on iOS devices

I have 1Password 4 for Windows installed on my desktop computer, I've purchased the 1Password Pro Features for my iOS devices. I am not a "Team Member" or a "Family Member" nor do I want to be. I don't use "Drop Box" or "The Cloud" to synchronize my devices. I purchased 1Password because it is one of the few programs/apps that will allow me to sync over my WiFi network.

Recently I've begun to experiment with attachments. I had just renewed my passport and wanted to keep a record of my passport number in 1Password just in case I loose my passport while abroad. I thought that it would also be a good idea to have an image, so I scanned my passport and added it as an attachment via my desktop computer. All went well so far, I can see and view my attachment on my desktop computer. I then synchronized my iPhone, and saw that the passport entry was added to my phone, but there was no attachment included. Upon inspecting the options available I figured that maybe I would need to purchase the in app Pro Feature in order to view the attachments (as it so claimed). So I made the purchase and re-synchronized my device. Still no attachments.

I went to the AgileBits website to find answers on how to do this. It seems to suggest that I need to create a "Team Account" or "Family Account" to make this happen. I don't want to do this, creating a Team/Family account seems to suggest that my information is now being stored somewhere other than my computer/devices which is not what I want. I know, I know, you'll assure me that my information will be safe, however, it will only be safe until it isn't. This is not a risk that I want to take nor do I want someone else to have the responsibility for minding my data. If I loose my data, that's my problem, but if someone else looses my data, well that's a whole other thing.

My questions is, how can I view my attachments on my iOS devices without being a Team/Family member or using Drop Box or the Cloud to synchronize my devices?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: don't use extenisions
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: forum-search:viewing attachments


  • Hi @Ricky_Mac,

    We do apologize about the confusion, it can be difficult to find information to fit your issue on the support area.

    The issue sounds like you're the older .agilekeychain format, which does not support syncing attachments via Wi-Fi. We do support it via the newer OPVault format.

    Can you open the main 1Password 4 program on your PC, unlock, and go to the File Menu > Preferences > General. Next to 1Password Vault, at the very end, does it end in .agilekeychain or .opvault?

  • Ricky_Mac
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, thanks for your quick response.

    The file ends in .agilekeychain

  • Hi @Ricky_Mac,

    Ok, that would explain the issue. If you'd like to sync your attachments via Wi-Fi, you'll need to convert to the newer OPVault format.

    Here's how: https://support.1password.com/switch-to-opvault/?win

  • Ricky_Mac
    Community Member

    Hi Mike

    Things didn't go a smoothly as I had hoped for. The process ended up creating duplicates and I still was unable to see my attachments. So what I ended up doing was wiping out the apps on my iOS devices and re-installing without any of my data files. I then wiped out the data on my desktop and followed the instructions for setting up a new OPVault. I was then able to import the data from the .1pif file, I synchronized by devices, and "viola" everything is working like a charm :-)

    Thank so much for your help; Greatly appreciated!

  • Hi @Ricky_Man,

    Thanks for taking the time to let us know and the details of what happened. I'm glad you got it working and I'm surprised it didn't work the first time as we had a lot of success with many customers using the same guide.

    We'll test this again throughly to see what's going on.

This discussion has been closed.