Problems with email and License key

Community Member

Hello, first i want to give a small background with what I did and what I think MAY be causing my problem.

About a year ago I bought 1password on the Mac Appstore (the full version) I dont remember exactly how much it was at the time but it was north of $50. I bought it through my Paypal and everything was great from there. Well, recently I have started to use my PC more and I downloaded 1Password onto my computer. So my problem is, when I go to the page to get my license key by entering my email. I get an email saying that my email was not found. I tried my other email which I hardly ever use and got the same email. Is this problem occurring because I bought it through the Mac App Store? I know for a fact that I paid for the software and I do not know what to do. Please help!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Hi @kodi,

    That is correct, we wouldn't have any information for you because only Apple would have a record of your purchase through the Mac App Store and they do not share any customer information with their developers. This is actually a great thing but it does make it difficult for developers to provide better service with their customers outside of the app.

    In addition, if you bought it a year ago, you would only own the Mac license and may need to buy the Windows license separately but you do get a discount for owning the Mac license.

    Could you forward your proof of purchase from Apple's iTunes team via email or via iTunes' purchase history with this guide to us at and we'll help you with this.

  • kodi
    Community Member

    Ok, I have the order pulled up. I do not see a way to forward it. Can I take a screenshot and attach it to the email?

  • Hi @kodi,

    Yes, a screenshot is fine.

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