About fixing Chrome Plugin's freeze when unlocking


When I unlock my 1Password vault via Chrome Plugin, it will freeze my computer ( as my mouse won't be able to move ) for seconds, it isn't some big deal but sure it's bad to user experience since every time I startup my computer and unlock my 1P, i have few seconds that I had to wait until I do something else.

I know that 1P takes time to unlock the vault on the first startup, just asking if it could be optimized.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @richardevs: I'm sorry for the trouble! If I understand correctly, you're able to use the browser extension, but there's a noticeable delay between when you activate it and when it becomes available. Is that correct?

    If so, this is a known limitation of 1Password 4. It's decrypting the data on the fly to search and display in the browser, and it just isn't very fast at this I'm afraid — especially the larger our vaults get. It isn't something we can fix in 1Password 4, but we're building a new app to supersede it which will be much more efficient.

  • richardevs
    Community Member

    @brenty looking forward to the new app~

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @richardevs: Likewise! And if you're feeling adventurous, you can participate in the beta. It's at a fairly early stage of development so I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but I thought I should mention it in case you enjoy playing with prerelease software or just want to have a sneak peek at it. Cheers! :)

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