Can't Use on Windows 10 and Chrome


Windows 10 and Chrome
I have installed the product and the extension. When I open the app and click on the browse link next to a login, it opens the page, but doesn't populate the user name and password. When click on the extension icon, I get a message that says there is no 1Password helper. So the net is that the product isn't doing what it is supposed to do.

I apologize for being dense here, but what am I missing?

1Password Version: 4, I think
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Drop Bo


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Lisraelite: First and foremost, please check the exact version of the 1Password app you're using (under Help > About 1Password), or I may be having you look for the wrong thing entirely.

    From your description, it sounds like you may simply have some other software preventing 1Password from communicating with the browser. Do you have a "security" suite or other extensions that may be interfering? Here's a list of some common culprits (under "Software Configuration") and their necessary configuration:

    Software configuration guides

    If none of those are familiar, let me know a bit more about your setup and we'll figure it out. Thanks in advance! :)

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