Will we be able to unlock our Mac vaults with our phones with macOS Sierra?
At last week's WWDC, Apple announced the ability to unlock your Mac using your phone. Do you know whether Apple has made that "unlock handoff" (or whatever much more Marketing-friendly name they've given it) available to developers? If so, do you plan to enable us to unlock our vaults with our phones?
1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.12
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:sierra
@mlewin: Many details aren't available publicly yet (and likely won't be until Sierra is officially released later this year) so we don't have any news to share right now. However, even if it isn't possible this time around, given the direction Apple has been moving, I think it may simply be a matter of time before they make it available to 3rd party developers. And if not, perhaps we'll be able to come up with our own method. :)