Active Directory and password change


Hi, I found this article :

which is a few years old and the answer that the solution will be linked accounts in Version 4.

I searched the help for linked accounts but didn't find anything. So my question is: how do I manage password changes in active directory without opening evewry single entry in 1password and change the the password.
We have at least 20 web-apps in the form and our policy is, that we have to change the password every month, so I've to change 20 passwords every months. There must be a better way!

Best regards,

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: win 7 prof
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited June 2016

    Hi @Dieter59,

    That's a very old topic and I believe we've renamed it to Multiple URLs instead.

    Here's how you can do this:

    1. Open 1Password, unlock and locate your item for Active Directory's main domain
    2. On the top, you'll see the URL table, click on the Add URL button below the table and add the other domains that you're using for the same Active Directory account.

    Save it and the same Login item will work on all of the domains you've added to the list.

    There is one gotcha, if you're using the older Agile Keychain format, you need to enable the Multiple URLs support. You can do this via the File Menu > Preferences > Logins, check the box next to Enable Multiple URLs and save it.

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